Tuesday 2 June 2015

Tutor assignment to groups

Here is the overview of the tutor assignment to groups.

Students should look at table 1 and 2. Tutors should look at table 2. Using the tables is a two-step procedure for both students and tutors.

Instructions for students:
  1. Find your group no. in the left column of table 1 and slide your index finger to the right until you reach the column of the desired Studio session. Read the tutor numbers.
  2. Find the first tutor number in the left column of table 2 and read the associated tutor name. Repeat the procedure for the second tutor number.
Instructions for tutors:
  1. Find your own name in column two of table 2 and slide your index finger to the right until you reach the column of the desired Studio session. Read the group number.
  2. Slide your index finger up or down in the same column until you reach the same number again. Read the name of the associated tutor. This is the colleague with whom you will tutoring the session.

The tables give no clues as to how to find the actual students and tutors in the studio space.

Table 1

Table 2

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